to Jul 8

Kids Camp 2023

  • Mount Hope Bible Camp (map)
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At Mt Hope Kids Camp, our desire to give kids a place to connect with God, friends, and mentors without the daily distractions. Through camp experiences of recreation time, campfire time, and of course chapel time, kids will grow and discover who God created them to be.

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Spring Cleanup Day
9:00 AM09:00

Spring Cleanup Day

Join us at our facility on Saturday, March 25th to help clean up camp and prepare it for a summer of ministry. We have projects for all people. We had a tree fall into our pool that needs to be cut up, planters that need weeding, walls that need painting, and pine needles as far as the eye can see that need to be raked. If you plan on coming up, please let us know on our Spring Cleanup page so we can prepare lunch for you.

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Cancelled Mt Hope Kids Camp
to Jun 29

Cancelled Mt Hope Kids Camp

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Run to Win!!! Come join us at Mt Hope this summer and learn what it is to Run in a Race to win the Prize!! We have some great times planned, to learn, play some amazing Rec games, have some awesome campfire times, experience more of the outdoors, great small group times and more. We hope you join us to have the opportunity to make some new friends and experiences this Summer!!!

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Cancelled Mt Hope Jr High Camp
to Jun 20

Cancelled Mt Hope Jr High Camp

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Run To Win!!! Come join us this Summer as we learn what it is to Run in such a way as to WIN the Prize!! We will be studying what Paul talked about in 1 Corinthians 9:24, when he told the Corinthians, “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.” We have our favorite Band, With One Voice, joining us again this summer, some great games planned and a time of refreshment, making new friends and FUN!!!

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Cancelled Mt Hope High School Camp
to Jun 15

Cancelled Mt Hope High School Camp

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Run To Win!!! Come join us this Summer as we walk through Pauls message to Run in such a way to win the Prize, we will be studying from 1 Corinthians 9. We have our favorite band, With One Voice, joining us again this summer, we have got some awesome games planned, and a time of refreshment, reflection and FUN!!!

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to May 18

Men's Retreat -- Dare to Be Courageous


"Faith is Risky Business, but then again so is fear." That is a line taken from one of Doug Tawlks' adventure novels in the "Defenders of the Breach" series. The greatest adventures happen after we risk faith and it's then that God's power and presence become tangible to us. In order to fully embrace God's purpose for our lives we will have to live courageously in the face of intimidation. Join us as we take hold the courage that will propel us into the incredible adventures that God has for us! 

Doug Tawlks - M.A. Counseling, Director the LifeBridge

Doug Tawlks - M.A. Counseling, Director the LifeBridge

Rob Odum

Rob Odum


Doug Tawlks is an author, counselor and speaker who is living a life filled with meaningful adventures. While working as a wilderness adventure instructor he learned what God can do in a person's life when he takes them beyond their comfort zones to a place of Risky Faith. One of Doug's favorite quotes: "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." - Helen Keller


Rob has been the Music Ministry Director in the foothills of El Dorado County at Cool Community Church (Cool, Ca) for the last 7 years, writing music and leading the congregation in praise. Raising his family of three alongside his wife Jennifer, he has been blessed to be involved in worship ministries for the last 19 years, leading group worship for organizations in California, Alaska, Oaxaca Mexico, and Lima Peru.

 "I have been amazed at what the Lord Jesus has done in my life and continues to do! To watch the Lord continue to draw His children unto Himself brings me unmeasured joy. Many years ago I heard a quote attributed to Charles Spurgeon, "Catch on fire for the Lord and people will come from many miles away to watch you burn." Christ lifted me up when I could do nothing, set me upon the rock, gave me a new family and now I stand, with Him, covered in His righteousness. It is the knowledge of the Gospel message that daily lifts me up and draws my heart to worship the Lord with all that is in me!"

Psalm 62:1-2.  "Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from Him. Truly He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken."

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to Jul 3

Kid's Camp


Register by June 8 for Kid's Camp and receive a $10.00 discount off registration.

ALSO - $10.00 per child discount when registering multiple siblings

Early bird and multiple sibling discounts do not apply to approved camperships.

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to Jun 24

Junior High

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Register by May 25 for HS and JH camp and receive a $10.00 discount off registration

ALSO - $10.00 per child discount when registering multiple siblings

Early bird and multiple sibling discounts do not apply to approved camperships.

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to Jun 17

Men's Retreat -- "Life After Lust"

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Forest Benedict is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Sexual Addiction Treatment Provider (SATP) who serves as the Clinical Director of LifeSTAR of the Central Valley, a sexual addiction treatment program. Forest is the Program Manager of …

Forest Benedict is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Sexual Addiction Treatment Provider (SATP) who serves as the Clinical Director of LifeSTAR of the Central Valley, a sexual addiction treatment program. Forest is the Program Manager of the SATP program at Mid-America Nazarene University, where he trains therapists to do sexual addiction treatment. Forest blogs regularly and has written for XXXChurch and Protect Young Minds. Passionate about protecting children from pornography, Forest speaks publicly on this timely topic. Forest is a husband and father who lives in Fresno, CA.

Dr. Armando Gonzalez - Marriage & Family Therapist, PsyD, LMFTAs a therapist I believe it is my job to support and empower you. To inject hope into your situation. To create a safe environment where you can share your heart and all the of your v…

Dr. Armando Gonzalez - Marriage & Family Therapist, PsyD, LMFT

As a therapist I believe it is my job to support and empower you. To inject hope into your situation. To create a safe environment where you can share your heart and all the of your vulnerabilities. To offer a fresh perspective that allows you to see problems from another angle, and to provide you with an achievable game plan to get you back in touch with living the life you truly desire. I believe therapy should be a place you come to heal and grow. My passion lies in guiding and nurturing individuals, couples and families through these processes.

"Life After Lust"

"The heart of the Life After Lust Retreat is to bring to light a message of HOPE, HEALING, and FREEDOM from sexual addiction. Shame has too long caused men to believe that they are alone in their battle and that such a fight is not allowed to be mentioned in Christian circles. Our mission is to expose lies but also to expose the truth. And the TRUTH is: FREEDOM is possible. This retreat is a power packed combo of artists, authors, and everyday people sharing their real stories and practical steps to freedom."

MARK J the Poet"I can’t count how many times I have been approached by folks battling the cycle of sexual addiction as I was. Many of them trust me to be the first person they talk with openly about it - pretty amazing if you’d ask me. This is my he…

MARK J the Poet

"I can’t count how many times I have been approached by folks battling the cycle of sexual addiction as I was. Many of them trust me to be the first person they talk with openly about it - pretty amazing if you’d ask me. This is my heartbeat: to see people understand their value and live in freedom as God intended."

Denzel Peoples - will be performing the spoken word as Maafa the Poet

Denzel Peoples - will be performing the spoken word as Maafa the Poet

Band - With One Voice

Band - With One Voice

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to Jun 20

High School Summer Camp

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Register by May 25 for HS and JH camp and receive a $10.00 discount off registration

ALSO - $10.00 per child discount when registering multiple siblings

Early bird and multiple sibling discounts do not apply to approved camperships.

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to May 19

Men's Retreat


The theme of this year's retreat is STAND STRONG. We will look into the life of Jacob. He was a man on the run. That's what he did! He was a man with long established patterns of lying, deception, theft, manipulation, passive-aggressive behavior, lack of accountability and responsibility, and more. When life got to intense or he faced consequences that seemed too harsh, he ran from his parents,  his brother,  his boss and most of all from his past. And, yet all this running, Jacob had a God who pursued him with unwavering faithfulness and unconditional love. God was the One Jacob could not outrun and who eventually taught him to STAND STRONG and FACE LIFE head on

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